Sunday, July 26, 2015

Still but Dynamic: Let's meet artist Claire Sower

Paris Getaway

Claire Sower's studio is on Granville Island, Vancouver, Canada. Her paintings are about still life, yet they are very dynamic and vibrant too, all were Influenced by Bernard Cathelin, Giorgio Morandi, Oskar Kollar and Ted Smith,

She is a professional juried member of the Canadian Federation of Artists and she had her first solo exhibition at the West Vancouver Municipal Hall, BC, Canada in 2013. In April 2014, her work appeared on the cover of a national arts and culture magazine, “The Bulletin,” and in 2014 we also saw her sign at the Agora Gallery New York, and many of other works online by Saatchi Art.

Claire, let's learn more about you...

1. When did you realize that being an Artist was going to be your path? 

I’ve always known I wanted to paint, but it wasn’t until 2009, when a friend asked me if I would join her in a Sunday morning painting class that I decided to take the leap. I had done illustration in the past but this was my chance and I just knew I had to take it. Everything snowballed from there. Within a year or so I had a studio and was painting, exhibiting and selling. My ‘career’ as an artist had gained its own momentum, and the more it grows the more I love it. 

2. What inspires you or stimulates your thoughts? 

Great music, flowers – obviously, light, shape. Often, I catch sight of something out of the corner of my eye and it hits me in a way that sparks my imagination and  an entire series of ideas starts to take shape. Inspiration for me is completely spontaneous and random.

3. What is your average day like?

I don’t really have an average day. I am constantly thinking about painting and creating –about what I’m currently working on and future pieces. I am fairly disciplined, however, and I think that’s critical. Studio days are for painting. On days I don’t go into the studio I work from home on marketing, or  I go to exhibitions.

Santa Barbara Moment

4. Why do you think it’s important to work as an artist? 

Human beings need art – we need the mirror art provides – to help us interpret and understand the countless facets of what it is to be human. Art also helps connect us. I also believe that human beings have an innate need to create, and art provides one means of fulfilling that need – both for the artist and the audience. 

Sherri: "This is so true, we also blogged about this belief in our previous post" Click here for Belle Fusion's vision on art."

5. How has your practice changed over time? 

My practice has changed in that I am less afraid of a blank canvas than I used to be,  so am less afraid to make mistakes. When I began painting I was very literal in my interpretation of my subject matter and the “sanctity of the work.” Today – I take a much freer approach to the subject matter and understand a little better that nothing is ever perfect. In working on a piece my goal is to convey that to the viewer – so they also have an interpretive, emotionally dynamic experience rather than a static one.

CJSP 02 8" x 10"

6. Who’s your favourite Artist? How does this Artist inspire or mentor you? 

There are so many artists that I love – but I think the person who has influenced my work the most to date is Bernard Cathelin. I find his use of geometric shapes, and most importantly colour and texture, completely inspiring. The first time I saw his work I fell in love – instantly. He passed on in 2004 but whenever I feel stuck I refer back to his work and the block is gone in no time.

7. Especially in today's climate, there are many emerging artists looking for the kind of direction and passion that you, as a successful artist, clearly have, what kind of advice would you give to those who are also looking for their direction and path?

I know this has been said countless times – but it’s so true – follow your heart, follow you intuition, paint what you want to paint – what really fires you up, and keep painting it. Continue to learn. And keep an open mind - opportunity often comes in the most unexpected ways.


8. In your opinion, what role is the Artist playing nowadays? 

I believe the role of an artist is determined to the greatest extent by the individual artist, and secondly by the community. An artist’s work is highly personal, and stems from that human need to create and express ourselves. Everything else grows from that, including how each artist chooses to be interpreted – and consequently what his or her role becomes. Ultimately, art is a language and artists are interactive story tellers.

9. What is your 5 year goal?

Today – my 5 year goal is to be painting, exhibiting and selling on a global scale, to have a creative studio where I can produce more than just paintings, where I can experiment to my heart’s content, hold workshops for and with other artists, and not have to clean up if I don’t want to! 


Leave a comment here to praise and support her!

Claire is very friendly and approachable, she would love to discuss with you further about her art. Just contact her to schedule a visit to her studio.

This is her new work! Fabs~

~ New Work ~


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